Themed Sport Launch & Elections
***Alien, Spooky, & Sci-fi Rockets***
Officer elections will also be held today.
Bring your alien, spooky, and sci-fi rockets and show off your friends!
This is a NRC launch, CD Bob Alway
***G Pumpkin Loft Duration Contest***
Saturday, October 26th, 2024
11am set-up, 5pm tear-down
12pm - 5pm
Muskegon County Resource Recovery Center
(formerly Muskegon County Wastewater)
Muskegon, Michigan
***G-Pumpkin Loft Duration Contest Rules***
The “pumpkin” is actually a flat pumpkin-shaped decorative gourd. They will be provided by me, and you can select the one you want. All of them will be selected to fit inside a 4” diameter tube coupler. They weigh about 6 ounces I think (about the weight of 3 eggs). No modifications may be made to the pumpkin except that a single hole (up to 3/8“) through the center may be drilled to accommodate attachment of a parachute. I have a drill.
You may use any rocket that is at least 4” in diameter. The pumpkin must fit entirely inside the rocket at launch. The rocket may recover in one or more pieces. The pumpkin may be ejected and recovered on its own chute. All pieces must recover safely in the opinion of the RSO.
The section of the rocket containing the pumpkin, or the free pumpkin on a chute, will be timed by two timers from liftoff to touchdown and averaged. In case of a timer malfunction the single good time will be used. Longest duration in the air wins!
You must use a single “G” motor that is certified by NAR, TRA, or CAR. You only get one try, which must be declared before launch. Make it a good one.
Rule questions to Jay Calvert, Contest Director.